Teaching Centre
As The Employment Champion for Youth, YES shares its expertise and experience with students who require a practicum in order to graduate from college or university by providing a placement opportunity.
The Teaching Centre opportunity creates a win-win for both the practicum student and YES. The student receives direct, hands-on experience that complements the theory they have learned in class. It creates a solid networking base for the student looking for employment once they have graduated. YES benefits from having fresh, new ideas from students that could be incorporated into program delivery and client service. The students assist the staff with various aspects of the programs and services offered at YES.
The curriculum includes: intake assessment, individualized counselling, group facilitation, outreach and marketing, job development, resource management, documentation and case management and administration.
Since 1999, hundreds of students have completed their placements at YES. Students have ranged in age from 18 to 48 years old and were enrolled in George Brown College, Seneca College, Sir Sanford Fleming, University of Victoria in British Columbia, in one of the following diploma programs:
• Career & Work Counsellor
• Social Service Worker
• Human Services
• Child and Youth Advocacy
For more information please download our Guide for Practicum Students (PDF) or contact the Teaching Centre Manager at 416-535-8448 x 26.